...that is the question. (so far the answer has been "Draft". Who knew?)

26 September 2009

Zendikar Pre-Release!!!!

We had 120 players show up for the Midnight Madness Flight for Zendikar.
(coming in a close second behind Time Spiral for numbers at the Midnight Flight)

I arrive about 2 hours before we were scheduled to start Registration. We are back at the Overland Park Convention Center, a place in which I have made many fond Magic Memories. I pull up to the site and...

(As a quick aside, there has been two Grand Prix at this site in addition to various smaller events. Two G.P.'s held less than five minutes away from my house. I know that I have led a charmed life, but that has been just Stoopid Good.)

....I meet a couple of the Card Dealers to begin to getting set up. Not long into our routine, our first arrivals show up just itching to get cracking some packs.

About an hour before Registration time, a group of players wander in that I have not seen all together since the M10 Pre-Release. I say 'hi' and welcome them back when one of the crew pipes up with, "Hey! This time we are only one hour early for reg instead of two hours early!" and we all get a chuckle from that. They break out some fun decks to pass the time as I start to get the decorations in place. An impromptu photo op with Sorin Markov, then back to business.

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